7 Steps to Intuitive Self-Healing

Do you know that it is possible to reduce pain by properly processing your emotions?

Research shows that the emotions of highly sensitive people fire stronger and last longer than non-HSP’s. Read more

The Problem with Perfectionism and Pleasing for HSPs

My high-achieving HSP clients value excellence. They are tender souls who do their best to create healthy loving relationships. They want to make the world a better place. The problem is, they often lose themselves while helping others. Read more

Self-care for High-achieving HSPs: Morgan’s story

I share stories about high-achieving Highly Sensitive People on the Hero’s Journey hoping they will inspire you to create a truly fulfilling life rooted in your Authentic Self. If you are not fulfilled, it may be because you conformed to what your family, your culture, or an outdated version of yourself thought was best for you. Read more

Unbridled: Finding My Innermost Self

The following story took place at my Deep Emotional Healing Breathwork Retreat last month. My client attended individual sessions for about one year for issues related to self-esteem, career, trauma and relationships. She’d been making steady progress, and the groundwork had been laid for a giant leap. You’ll hear the story from my client’s point of view. May it inspire your hero’s journey to your Authentic Self.

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Spiritual Intimacy Heals Abuse: Tiana’s Story



In the following story, you’ll see a therapy session unfold as we celebrate the progress of a highly sensitive woman who broke away from an abusive relationship. Tiana is a bright, creative and compassionate woman in her mid-fifties. You’d be fortunate to count her among your friends. Like most highly sensitive people, she is kind and thoughtful.  Read more

Healing Grief: Breathwork Opens the Heart

I have worked with Benita Esposito for ten months. We have done both personal counseling as well as incredible couples counseling with my husband. I’m so grateful that I accepted her invitation to attend a Deep Emotional Healing Retreat that included breathwork, a spiritual healing method. Read more

Tristen’s Journey: From Abuse to Empowerment

When searching for a trauma counselor, Benita’s bio resonated with me right away. My intuition told me to reach out to her. After the first “get to know you” session, I knew she was the counselor for me. Her warm and caring demeanor washed over me like calming waters. Read more

Spiritual Healing for the Inner Child: The Power of Inner Dialogue

The following extraordinary story was written by one of my highly sensitive introvert clients. She had an amazing spiritual healing and she wants you to know that transformation can come quickly. My desire is to be an instrument of God’s healing.

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Healing for Lonely Abandoned Hearts

This short story was written by a 30-something highly sensitive man at one of our Deep Emotional Healing Retreats.

I discovered that I was highly sensitive in early 2019. It was a great relief to learn that my tendency for deep thinking and being highly emotional were both quite normal. Read more

How I Healed Chronic Pain Without Drugs

Most physicians are not trained to deal with suffering as a doorway or as a catalyst for transformation. ~ Dean Ornish, MD

This story is for people who have symptoms of chronic pain and who are miserable. They’ve tried everything traditional medicine has to offer and it isn’t helping.

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