Highly Sensitive Introvert Survey 2020

Dear Highly Sensitive Introvert,

Since you’ve discovered the research on Highly Sensitive People (HSP), doesn’t it feel great to know that you are not alone … that you’re not weird … that you are a valuable part of society … even when your loved ones and your co-workers don’t understand you?

Well, that’s the way I feel. The HSP material has helped me understand myself and cope with the myriad challenges of HSP’s. I’ve been studying the material for 24 years … ever since Elaine Aron’s book, The Highly Sensitive Person, was published in 1996.

At the beginning of January 2020, I invited Highly Sensitive Introverts to take a survey about what is most important to them.

Click the link below to view a PDF bar graph of the survey results.

HSP Survey Results Jan2020 BenitaEsposito

If you can’t open the PDF, here are the results in rank order. There were 68 participants.

#1 score 6.8
I want to hear the voice of God, develop more spiritual intimacy, and meditate to restore my physical energy, health and inner peace.

#2 score 6.6
I want to heal emotional wounds, resolve internal conflicts and increase my self-worth.

#3 score 6.5
I want to improve my ability to manage conflict so I don’t lash out or go quiet.

#4 score 6.4
I yearn for deeper genuine emotional connections.

#5 score 6.1
While I am empathetic, I can also be critical of others and myself.

#6 score 5.9
I want to feel more confident so I can express my Authentic Self instead of wearing a mask.

#7 score 5.7
Anxiety and or depression is a problem for me.

#8 score 5.5
I wish I could regulate my intense emotions better.

#9 score 5.2
I have trouble balancing my need for time alone with other activities.

#10 score 5.0
It disturbs me that family members, friends or coworkers think that I am too sensitive.

I am sure the list of issues goes on, but I thought these were the most important.

What else is important to you?

Please email me. I’d love to hear your thoughts, feelings and requests.

I am creating an online course for highly sensitive introverts, and I would like to address your needs and desires.


The Highly Sensitive Introvert Online Course.
Wisdom for Emotional Healing and Expressing Your Radiant Authentic Self.

Please email me if you are interested in being a “beta member” of my online course that will help you with the issues listed in the survey. I’ll contact you when I am ready to launch the course … hopefully this summer … and give you all the details.

“Beta members” are a vital part in shaping the online course. You’ll have significant interaction with me as I evolve the course. You will receive a 50% discount, and you’ll also have lifetime access to the course. A maximum of 12 people will be accepted.

Book CelebrationThe-Gifted-Highly-Sensitive-Introvert-Book

So many of you have shared amazing stories of how you found my book, The Gifted Highly Sensitive Introvert: Wisdom for Emotional Healing and Expressing Your Radiant Authentic Self. (available on Amazon)

I know that God is guiding us all to find the help we need to heal and to shine as our Radiant Authentic Selves.

My book is still a #1 Bestseller after 17 months.

Thank you for making this accomplishment possible.

Here’s an edited excerpt from the latest book review posted today by Happy Girl. Thank you, Robyn!

” … now I feel I can give myself permission to love myself. I am not a weeny for needing to re-charge. Everything that I do in my life purpose is either performing for others or giving to others so no wonder that when I get home, I don’t want to leave! Now I will choose to respect that and let God guide me to the next something on my journey which will surely NOT include MORE social media time. With God, all things are possible. Thank you, Benita, for sharing your story because in so many ways, it reminds me of mine.”


Benita-A.-Esposito,-MA,-Licensed-Professional-CounselorPlease contact me with your questions, comments and requests to help you live your Authentic Life.

Bio and Credentials. Benita A. Esposito is a spiritual counselor with four decades of professional experience.

“Your Authentic Life. Anything Else is a Compromise.”

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