Tag Archive for: Breathwork

Highly Sensitive Person Retreat Details

In-person Retreats include Breathwork, the quickest path for deep emotional healing.

Location: Young Harris, Georgia, USA


May 18-19. Register by April 18, 2024.

July 20, 2024. Zoom. Register by July 1.

October 5-6. Register by September 5, 2024.


Attend more than one retreat. They’re always different.

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Unbridled: Finding My Innermost Self

The following story took place at my Deep Emotional Healing Breathwork Retreat last month. My client attended individual sessions for about one year for issues related to self-esteem, career, trauma and relationships. She’d been making steady progress, and the groundwork had been laid for a giant leap. You’ll hear the story from my client’s point of view. May it inspire your hero’s journey to your Authentic Self.

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Healing Trauma with Breathwork: Abortion and Open Heart Surgery

This story was written by one of my clients who chose to remain anonymous. I’ll call her Sally.

Sally was a smart business leader whom people respected. She felt confident at work, but she had trouble forming fulfilling friendships. She felt empty inside. Read more

Healing Grief: Breathwork Opens the Heart and Mends Relationships

This story was written by one of my clients and posted with permission.

My mother died when I was two, and then an abusive stepmother raised me.

I have worked with Benita Esposito for 10 months. I’m so grateful that I accepted her invitation to attend a Deep Emotional Healing Retreat that included breathwork. I was apprehensive. It seemed a little unnerving to not have control over the outcome, or know what would come up during breathwork, but I enrolled anyway because I trusted Benita. Read more

Breathwork: My Personal Story

Are you tired of limiting patterns sabotaging your life? Would your life be significantly better if you did not have to deal with emotional wounds that pop up at the most unexpected times?

If you keep doing the same old thing, you will keep creating the same results. You cannot solve a problem from the level of the problem. If you are ready to do something significantly different to achieve your fondest dreams, read on. Read more

Breathwork Retreat

Do you wish you could accelerate your personal and spiritual growth?  I don’t want you to miss out on this powerful experience … if you are ready to make deep profound changes. Breathwork helps you heal and develop emotional intimacy within yourself and with your loved ones faster than any method I know.

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Why talk-therapy isn’t enough

Have you ever been in a situation where your romantic partner didn’t understand you? Or worse, they criticized you or became contemptuous or dismissed your feelings? You tried to create an emotional connection that would help you both feel better, but they kept throwing daggers? That really hurt, didn’t it? Read more

Healing Hurtful Relationship Patterns with Breathwork

Josephine is a 30-something highly sensitive person. Kind, creative and smart, she had an unconscious habit of choosing men who hurt her. This is her story told in her own words. It shows how we worked together in spiritual counseling to end a pattern of abuse so she could become her radiant Authentic Self. Read more

Turning Fear into a Friend: A Breathwork Story

“How I transformed fear into my friend, and myself into the Beloved.”

If my story began as a play, the opening scene would be as follows:

[Setting]: Inside of a walk–in closet. The darkness is so dense you can barely see your hand. Read more