Tag Archive for: The Hero’s Journey to the Authentic Self

Unbridled: Finding My Innermost Self

The following story took place at my Deep Emotional Healing Breathwork Retreat last month. My client attended individual sessions for about one year for issues related to self-esteem, career, trauma and relationships. She’d been making steady progress, and the groundwork had been laid for a giant leap. You’ll hear the story from my client’s point of view. May it inspire your hero’s journey to your Authentic Self.

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My Hero’s Journey to the Authentic Self

As a highly sensitive introvert, you were born with an innate desire to fulfill your potential. Although life is not always easy, you want to learn and grow from your struggles.

Your spirit beckons you to live congruently as your Authentic Self. Nothing less will be fulfilling.

You may not know exactly how to get there, but something …

a divine something … pulls you forward.

I’d like to share an overview of a story from my book that illustrates the deep emotional healing I experienced during my Hero’s Journey to the Authentic Self. 


Staying conscious through the Dark Night of the Soul enabled me to excavate my Authentic Self.

Why did I embark on such a grueling Hero’s Journey to the Authentic Self?

I realized that I had been trying to gain emotional security from all the wrong places … mostly from people and work.

My Inner Critic insisted that I needed to excel at everything in order to be acceptable and lovable. No wonder my Inner Child felt like she was thrown under the bus all the time.


I needed to connect with an enduring source of love and wisdom. I wanted to become my own best friend instead of wishing that someone or something outside of myself would make me feel whole.


I intended to develop a rich intimate relationship with my Sacred Inner Beloved, aka, the Holy Spirit within me.


Eventually, after a long while …

unconditional self-acceptance sprang up from the ground of my being …

like a flower blooming in the springtime.

This enabled me to love others with more purity instead of manipulating them or myself.


This spiritual relationship provided a brand new foundation of emotional security. 

After my roots grew deep, I took a giant risk. 

I placed my faith in God, stepped out of my comfort zone, and created one of my most cherished dreams.


What is your dream?

·      What is most meaningful in your life?

·      Do you yearn for emotional security instead of anxiety?

·      Are you absolutely true to your Authentic Self?

·      Do you experience a rich relationship with the Holy Spirit?


I hope my story inspires you to stop settling for less.

There IS more possible for you … 

if you would just take the risk to step outside of your comfort zone 

and reach for the stars

the stars that are engraved with your name.


I’ll show you how in individual life coaching and spiritual counseling or in a Highly Sensitive Person Retreat.


If you’d like to reach Benita Esposito, please complete the Contact Form.

Benita A. Esposito, MA is the author of the bestseller, The Gifted Highly Sensitive Introvert: Wisdom for Emotional Healing and Expressing Your Radiant Authentic Self available on Amazon.

The kindle, paperback and audiobook were bestsellers on Amazon for 18 months and have sold over 8,400 copies as of April 2022. As a highly sensitive person herself, Benita can easily understand you, your challenges and your beautiful gifts. Zoom videoconferences are available worldwide.

Copyright 2022. All rights reserved. The Esposito Institute, Inc. You may print a copy of this article for your own personal use. You may share it for non-commercial purposes as long as you list the author’s name and website: Benita A. Esposito.  www.SensitiveIntrovert.com. For commercial reprint, contact Benita A. Esposito.