Rev. Benita A. Esposito, M.A.
I’m a life coach, a spiritual counselor and an ordained minister with AIWP. I earned a master’s degree in clinical psychology, and my bachelor’s degree is in psychology in the mid-1970’s. I am a highly sensitive introvert.
I’ve studied with the Order of St. Luke with my dear friend Father John Rice where I learned how to combine Christian spiritual healing and psychological principles. I follow a grace-filled Christian path that honors all faiths that advocate loving God and each other.
I’ve always been fascinated with human potential, the healing miracles of Jesus, and meditation. My master’s thesis researched meditation methods that result in pain elimination without drugs. Little did I know when I was twenty-one years old that I would remain passionate about mind-body-spirit healing for the rest of my life.
As a highly sensitive person with a Myers Briggs personality type INFJ, I share my gifts of keen insight, compassion and empathy to help my clients feel understood at depth. I love helping people discover their Authentic Self and blossom into their full potential according to their divine blueprint.
I use right-brain and left-brain techniques to help people create structure and access spiritual insight so they can bring their dreams into reality.
I enjoy studying the latest neuroscience research to help my clients do deep emotional healing and create flourishing personal and professional relationships.
I love coaching gifted highly sensitive introverts because the Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) material developed by Dr. Elaine Aron has been incredibly helpful in my life. I am a Highly Sensitive Introvert so it is easy to understand my clients’ challenges and gifts.
I spent several years learning Robert Fritz’ coaching model which teaches people how to be the conscious creative force in their lives. I regularly recommend Fritz’s book, The Path of Least Resistance.
I’ve always wanted to make our world a better place. In the early years, I thought the best way to do that was through corporate training and coaching so I entered a PhD program in Community-Organizational Psychology. My mentor and I facilitated team-building programs for government and private agencies. I’ve taken numerous leadership development courses, entrepreneurial skills, sales and marketing skills, success skills, and adult education courses.
I especially enjoy coaching gifted high-achieving leaders and rising stars. Together, our work reaches thousands of people to make the world a better place for us all.
Personal Values
I came to realize how incredibly important the beauty of Nature is to me. It is there that I most easily connect with God’s love and joy. This love prompted me to move away from the crowded city of Atlanta, Georgia. I designed and built a peaceful home that sits near the top of a mountain overlooking a serene lake surrounded by the Blue Ridge Mountains. I love growing beautiful flowers and rowing my rowing shell on a lake smooth as glass. I always have at least one feline companion, and I enjoy deep emotional connections with people who love self-actualization.
- Approved by Dr. Elaine Aron to provide counseling and life coaching to Highly Sensitive People.
- Ordained minister and spiritual counselor with The Association for the Integration of the Whole Person.
- Certified Gottman Leader: The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work Program by Drs. John & Julie Gottman
- Certified Brainspotting Therapist
Church Membership
Good Shepherd Episcopal Church, Hayesville, North Carolina, USA
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Click here to read about my personal story of the Hero’s Journey to the Authentic Self.
Would you like to see if we are a good fit for life coaching and spiritual counseling?
1. Click on the application form to read the answers to commonly asked questions. You’ll see the application on the Contact Page.
2. Read or listen to my bestselling book. It’s a memoir with teaching stories available on Amazon: The Gifted Highly Sensitive Introvert: Wisdom for Emotional Healing and Expressing Your Radiant Authentic Self.
3. View my video located under the heading, “Best Selling Book,” on the home page.
4. Listen to my guided meditation: A Journey into Wholeness.