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The Gifted Highly Sensitive Introvert:

Wisdom for Emotional Healing and

Expressing Your Radiant Authentic Self 


by Benita A. Esposito, MA

You may purchase the ebook, paperback and audiobook at


Dear Highly Sensitive People:

Your Hero’s Journey to the Authentic Self doesn’t have to be so difficult.

As you develop personal and spiritual mastery, you’ll decrease anxiety and depression. Your relationships will become healthier. You’ll heal emotional wounds and free up energy for creativity. You’ll feel more alive and vibrant. You’ll experience empowerment to be your Authentic Self regardless of external circumstances. And you’ll feel inner peace because you’ll be deeply rooted in spiritual intimacy.

These bonuses will help you launch a quick easy start.

1. A Road Map: 21 Steps on the Hero’s Journey to the Authentic Self

A witty overview to see how far you’ve come … how far you have yet to go … and how to get from here to there … on your Hero’s Journey to the Authentic Self.

2. Audio interview with Benita Esposito and her dear friend and colleague, Dr. Cynthia Libert who is an Integrative Physician who specializes in optimizing mood, memory and brain function. This is a fun friendly overview of the book.

3. Money Savers Exercise

A quick, easy way to find $400-600 per month to apply towards what is most important in your life. My clients love this exercise.

4. The Healing Power of Presence

A touching prose poem written by Benita Esposito that illustrates how healing occurs when we’re emotionally present with each other.

5. Authentic Self – Adapted Self Diagram

This diagram will help you distinguish your Authentic Self from your Adapted Self. As you develop more mastery, you’ll decrease anxiety and depression. You’ll feel free to be your Authentic Self regardless of external circumstances.

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