My Response to The Beloved’s Call
You are the perfume on my skin.
You are the stars in my night’s sky.
You are the fallen leaves that crunch beneath my feet.
You are the crimson and gold and fuscia in the sunset.
You are the sweet fragrance spraying from the ocean’s waves.
You are the softness of a kitten’s fur.
You are the ache in the pit of my stomach for my Lover.
You teach me.
You console me.
How delightful you are to me in all your ways.
Author: Rev. Benita A. Esposito
10/5/2004. I wrote this poem while I suffered through my 3-year Dark Night of the Soul, searching for the truth of my identity. The Sacred Beloved writings led me to my Authentic Self who rests in the sweetness of spiritual intimacy with Jesus, Holy Spirit, and Father God.
Copyright 2004, all right reserved. The Esposito Institute, Inc.
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