Entries by benitaesposito

Resilience: 7 Challenges for Highly Sensitive Introverts

As a counselor and life coach specializing in highly sensitive introverts, I often encounter clients who are incredibly perceptive and deeply affected by their surroundings. Highly sensitive introverts, in particular, possess a unique set of strengths and challenges that can significantly impact their resilience.

Transforming Perfectionism and People-pleasing: a Breathwork Story

If you are like most Highly Sensitive Introverts, you aspire to be your best Self. It’s my joy to encourage you. After you read the client story, click the button for the HSP Retreats. It’s a wise choice if you want to create rapid shifts in your life. Highly Sensitive Introverts deal with two typical […]

Transforming the Inner Critic with Brainspotting & IFS

Does your Inner Critic act like a sports reporter critiquing everything you do? If so, you are not alone. Many high-achievers suffer from critical jabs and barbs. The Inner Critic pushes us to succeed. When we’re not perfect, our Inner Child takes a hit. In this story, you’ll meet Marie. She is a bright, kind, creative […]

7 Steps to Intuitive Healing

Do you know it is possible to reduce pain by listening to the messages in your emotions? In this article, “7 Steps to Intuitive Healing,” you’ll see how I helped a client learn to listen intuitively to her body to activate healing. You can do this, too. At first, it helps to have a skilled […]

Highly Sensitive Person Retreat 2024

Are you a highly sensitive person who longs for a more fulfilling life? Are you overwhelmed, feeling like you’re drowning in the sea of life’s responsibilities? Would you like relief from anxiety, stress, grief, or depression? Are you ready to explore the question, “What will create a truly meaningful life?”

The Problem with Perfectionism and Pleasing for HSPs

High-achieving Highly Sensitive People value excellence. They are tender souls who do their best to create healthy loving relationships. They want to make the world a better place. The problem is: they may lose themselves while helping others.

Authentic Power: A Solution to Workplace Stress for HSPs

Do you feel stressed because you have too much work to do? You’re not alone. Several of my high achieving highly sensitive clients have complained about stress due to work demands — especially during the Holidays. Exhaustion compromises their immune systems. Insomnia visits too frequently. Burnout hovers over the horizon like smog on a hot summer […]

Highly Sensitive Person Retreat for Women * Breathwork Retreat

Breathwork is my most powerful tool for HSPs to heal and enhance creativity. .=. Have you ever been told you are too sensitive, just get over it? Do you have intense emotions that fire rapidly and last longer than others? Are you an empath? Do you absorb other people’s emotions and after a while you […]