Webinar: Conflict Management Skills for Highly Sensitive People Who Crave Harmony

Highly Sensitive People love peace and harmony. We want everybody to get along and we do a pretty good job of mediating most of the time. But when we find ourselves in the middle of a situation where people are uncaring or contemptuous, we may flounder. We feel anxious or irritated. Even devastated at times. If we’re not highly trained in Emotional Intelligence skills, we may say things that we wish we hadn’t. Or we get quiet. People get offended. People lash out. People withdraw. All of this hurts.

It may take us longer than we wish to get over a poorly-handled conflict. By the time we do, our relationships may suffer or our career may be damaged.

My first mentor told me: Conflict is a necessary part of intimacy. I didn’t want to hear that, but now I realize it’s true. Knowing how to manage conflict well is one of our most important life skills. It’s the stuff that high-quality relationships are made of.

Everyone: Please email your answer to this question:
What is your most challenging conflict situation?

You can learn how to create meaningful relationships even in the midst of conflict.

I know how important this is because I’ve struggled to learn good conflict management skills for years. I want to pass on what I’ve learned to you so your life is easier than mine has been.

Instead of …

• Complaining repeatedly when your partner doesn’t cooperate with you
• Analyzing what’s wrong with your partner and trying to convince him to change
• Getting quiet and waiting for the storm to pass
• Criticizing your partner or getting defensive

You’ll learn an easy-to-understand template to quickly figure out how to express your thoughts and feelings in a responsible tactful manner. This technique is called “I Messages.”

People will be more likely to open up to you instead of distancing.

You’ll feel more confident and competent to show up as your Authentic Self and speak from your heart while respecting others.

Webinar Format

I’ll give a short lecture that includes a story about how I handled a conflict. Then I’ll coach participants so everyone can learn vicariously. You can make comments and ask questions.

Do you want to get the most out of this webinar?

Volunteer to be coached during this webinar. Two people will be selected for live coaching on this webinar. Email me with a description of your most challenging conflict situation and what makes it so difficult for you.

Facilitator: Benita A. Esposito, MA, Life Coach, and Spiritual Counselor. Click here to read Benita’s credentials.

P.S. Benita Esposito’s bestselling memoir and teaching stories, The Gifted Highly Sensitive Introvert: Wisdom for Emotional Healing and Expressing Your Radiant Authentic Self, is available on Amazon.com. View the book video on the home page at www.SensitiveIntrovert.com.

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