Happy Valentine’s Day!

If you have a romantic relationship, I pray blessings over your bond that it may blossom in joy and vitality.

If you don’t have a romantic relationship, I pray blessings over the loving relationship with yourself. It’s impossible to have a healthy relationship without this.

Here’s my Valentine’s wish for you.

I know life is not always easy. You have plenty of growing pains and challenges.

I bless you with the ability to feel how special you are, whether you are in a relationship or not. May you feel connected to your spiritual heart. I bless you with the ability to see your relationships from the highest perspective. May you feel so filled by God’s love that it’s easy to let go and forgive. May the boulders be removed from your path. May all your wounds be healed.

Remember when you were a child?

There are 35.6 million children in prekindergarten through 8th grade in the United States. Many of them will be giving Valentines to their families, classmates and teachers today. That is a wonderful tradition, don’t you think?

Take a moment and send a Valentine to your friends and family, just like you did in grade school. Tell them how much you appreciate them. Their hearts will open and so will yours.

You could write a simple message of appreciation like this:
• I love the way your eyes sparkle when you laugh.
• When you giggle like a teenager, it tickles my funny bone.
• You are such a good listener. I feel known and loved by you.
• You’re one of my best cheerleaders. Thanks for encouraging me to shoot for the stars.
• You open my eyes in gentle ways to help me see my blind spots.
• You always want the best for people. You help me stretch when I feel tempted to settle for less.
• You are a dedicated provider. Thank you for helping take care of our material needs.

Reach out to single people. They may feel lonely.

Guess how many singles there are in the U.S.?

In the last U.S. census (2016), of all the citizens who were age 18 years and older:
• 110.6 million people were unmarried.
• This group comprised 45.2 percent of all U.S. residents. 53.2% were women. 46.8% were men.
• 63.5% had never been married. Another 23.1 percent were divorced and 13.4 percent were widowed.

Think of one more person who needs your love and compassion today. Write to them.

Help the light shine even more brightly on this Valentine’s Day.

Love and blessings to you,
Benita A. Esposito


If you would like to strengthen your relationship(s) or the loving relationship with yourself, I’m here to help. I offer individual and couples spiritual counseling and life coaching in the office or via phone or videoconference from the convenience of your home. Complete the Contact Page.

Credentials for Benita A Esposito, MA

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