Tag Archive for: highly sensitive people

Highly Sensitive Person Retreat Details

In-person Retreats include Breathwork, the quickest path for deep emotional healing.

Location: Young Harris, Georgia, USA


May 18-19. Register by April 18, 2024.

July 20, 2024. Zoom. Register by July 1.

October 5-6. Register by September 5, 2024.


Attend more than one retreat. They’re always different.

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Self-care for High-achieving HSPs: Morgan’s story

I share stories about high-achieving Highly Sensitive People on the Hero’s Journey hoping they will inspire you to create a truly fulfilling life rooted in your Authentic Self. If you are not fulfilled, it may be because you conformed to what your family, your culture, or an outdated version of yourself thought was best for you. Read more

7 Tips to Transform Hurt Feelings

Have your feelings been hurt and you just couldn’t let it roll off your back? Faster than you can blink your eyes, your heart sinks. Tension shoots through your veins. You emotionally withdraw or get angry. None of that helps, and you know it, but that’s your automatic response.  Read more

Empaths Feel the Weight of the World Crisis


Now the world is full of fear, uncertainty, hatred, rage, grief and agony. I feel traumatized, but my thoughts are not on my personal traumas. The overwhelming pain that I feel seems to be the pain of the entire world. Many times I feel like I need to scream with all my might until my voice is gone and my body collapses, unable to move. Read more

Book Testimonial Video: The Gifted Highly Sensitive Introvert

Have you ever thought, “I’d really like to write a book.”?

According to research, 80-90% of the population wants to write a book. However, only 1-2% of people actually publish a book. Read more

Healing for Lonely Abandoned Hearts

This short story was written by a 30-something highly sensitive man at one of our Deep Emotional Healing Retreats.

I discovered that I was highly sensitive in early 2019. It was a great relief to learn that my tendency for deep thinking and being highly emotional were both quite normal. Read more

One-year Book Birthday Celebration

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I hope this story inspires you to move ahead with a project that compels you to birth it. Maybe it’s writing a book. Maybe it’s getting an advanced college degree. Maybe it’s landing a truly fulfilling job. Maybe it’s developing your company. Maybe it’s developing a special project at work.

Whatever it is … do you dream of doing something much bigger than ever before? Is it outside of your comfort zone? Read more

Webinar: Assertiveness Training for Highly Sensitive People

Have you ever asked yourself these questions?

• Why is it so difficult to stand up for my self?
• Why do I let people treat me so poorly?
• Is it selfish to ask for what I want when others don’t like it?
• How do I assert myself without hurting people’s feelings? Read more

Webinar: How Highly Sensitive People Can Find Peace in an Angry Storm

How do you feel when your family grumbles at you because your sensitive feelings have surfaced once again? Read more

An Unexpected Love Affair

Like most highly sensitive people who are introverts, I find peace in the beauty of nature. But for a long time, I was so busy being successful in Atlanta that I didn’t know I loved nature so much. In my late thirties, I met a spiritual teacher who took us out into the woods for weekend retreats. It was there that I began to discover a deep connection with the Earth. This is the story of my awakening. Read more