Highly Sensitive Person Retreat * Breathwork Retreat
Breathwork is my most powerful tool
for HSPs to heal and enhance creativity.
- Have you ever been told you are too sensitive, just get over it?
- Do you have intense emotions that fire rapidly and last longer than others?
- Are you an empath? Do you absorb other people’s emotions and after a while you feel drained? Or, maybe your body feels tension or pain when you are around people who are upset.
- Do you become overwhelmed by conflict and aggressive people?
- Do you feel distressed when others don’t understand you?
- Does anxiety increase when you have too much to do in too little time?
- Do noisy crowds irritate you?
- Does meaningless social chit-chat bore you?
If so, you might be a highly sensitive introvert. Take the quiz.
2025 Dates for Breathwork HSP Retreats
1) Spring: May 2-4, 2025
2) Fall: September 26-28, 2025
The early bird discount ends two months prior the the retreat.
Attend more than one retreat. They’re always different.
Young Harris
Who Should Attend
This Breathwork HSP Retreat is not for beginners. Most people have had several sessions with Benita Esposito. If you are working with another therapist, you can use this retreat as an adjunct to your current therapy. You must have a minimum of three private sessions with Benita Esposito before you may attend this retreat. Participants must be willing and able to feel deep emotions so they can heal the root of unconscious material. When you’re ready for deep dive work, this is a safe place for Highly Sensitive Introverts to let go of old limiting patterns. This HSP Retreat will help you experience inner peace. You’ll become your own best friend. Self-confidence will grow. You’ll be more creative, and you’ll be able to express your unique gifts more fully.
** If you are allergic to cats, please discuss this to determine if this is a suitable environment for you.
Breathwork helps you get in touch with emotional pain that needs to be healed. You are able to put the pain in a place where it can’t hurt you. If you want to be the real You and enjoy life … take the time, spend the money, make the effort to attend. It is a life changing event that you can’t afford to miss. ~E.K.
Highly Sensitive Person Retreat Goals
The retreat process evolves organically according to the goals of each participant. Each participant will complete a form two weeks in advance stating their goals for the retreat. Retreats are not pre-scripted. Each retreat is different and tailored to the participants.
We co-create activities so everyone is involved in the healing activities. You might be coached individually while the rest of the group learns vicariously. We might role-play to build competency with assertiveness and conflict management skills. If you want hands-on healing, I will do that to promote deeper change. We might hike through a forest along the lake and find a place to meet outdoors.
- I’ll help you understand the highly sensitive person trait so you can increase your self-awareness and self-worth. For example, being an empath is a blessing, but it can leave you emotionally reactive and exhausted.
- You’ll grow in your ability to know your true identity as a highly sensitive person and have the courage to express your Authentic Self even when others judge you.
- You’ll receive expert guidance to do deep emotional healing to reduce anxiety, depression and eliminate self-defeating patterns.
- You’ll enjoy more fulfilling healthy personal and professional relationships.
- You’ll be able to create a more fulfilling career so that your work is an expression of your soul.
- You’ll receive encouragement to create a balance between taking good care of yourself and helping others. You are worth it. Your body will thank you.
- You’ll learn to create win-win solutions so everyone has a sense of belonging.
Benita has incredible energy. She gives off unconditional love and is one of the most authentic people I have ever met. She is committed to over-delivering and helping us attain extraordinary results. I’d recommend her to everyone! ~M.B.

Benita Esposito. Credit: Alysia Hargus Photography
Benita A. Esposito, HSP Retreat Facilitator
The teachers you choose can make a huge impact on your life. That’s why you should get to know them as much as possible before you enroll in their work. I’m dedicated to accelerating your progress on your Hero’s Journey to the Authentic Self. It’s my life calling to be a servant leader. I particularly love counseling and coaching highly sensitive people because I am one.
Click here to read my short personal story about being a Highly Sensitive Person.
You might want to read my book — it’s a memoir and teaching stories about my trials and triumphs as an HSP. The Gifted Highly Sensitive Introvert: Wisdom for Emotional Healing and Expressing Your Radiant Authentic Self. Hopefully, it will serve as a model that will show you how to heal and take the risks to be your authentic self. It’s available as an ebook, a paperback, and an audiobook, available on Amazon and other bookstores. You can also visit Audible.com or your iTunes app for the audiobook.
Click here to watch my book video.
Nearly 4 years ago I was attacked and I almost died. While the memory eventually faded and life went back to “normal,” I had lost my innocence. I could never really be the person I was before the attack. After the Breathwork session, one of the things that Benita and the rest of the group said to me after the breathwork was that I looked more innocent. What a gift. That was the very part of me that I had lost and all of the fun of being innocent. I was able to not only heal this one trauma, but also many other smaller events. After the breathwork, I was free from all of the baggage that had been weighing me down, free to rekindle my energy, power and enthusiasm for life. I am still noticing changes in my attitudes and behaviors that bring tears of joy as I realize how much of myself I had lost over the years and how wonderful it is to have me back. I can’t thank you enough for this life changing experience. ~ E.G.
Gifts and Challenges of the Highly Sensitive Person
Read about this on the main retreat page.
Activities for the Highly Sensitive Person Retreat
This is a psycho-spiritual healing format nested in a grace-filled inclusive Christian theology. There’s no judgmental piousness here.
We use a variety of transformation tools: Breathwork, Brainspotting, role playing, inner voice dialogue, guided meditation, and more.
There will be seasoned clients in your retreat, and they will help you learn the ropes.
- The first step is to help the group bond so everyone feels safe and supported. We’ll do some ice-breaker get-acquainted activities.
- We’ll do guided meditations with soothing music.
- There will be one-to-one coaching while the group learns vicariously followed by Q&A. Some people feel safer by watching others before they feel comfortable being coached in front of the group.
- We’ll do group activities to accelerate healing and growth of the collective.
- Breathwork is the most powerful part of the in-person retreats.
During the retreat, I felt loved even when I was coming apart at the seams. In that messy vulnerable place, I felt Benita’s commitment to my healing and wholeness, and I felt my partner’s commitment. Their love enabled me to love myself in my darkest hour. Nothing has ever been so life-changing for me. ~J.H.
Breathwork is the most transformational healing process used in this HSP Retreat. This type of Breathwork is not simply breathing deeper. It’s similar to Dr. Stan Grof’s Holotropic Breathwork, but different. This type of Breathwork accesses the deep inner recesses of your unconscious subcortical brain and your spirit so you’re likely to experience impressive results. As a Christian spiritual counselor, I invoke the healing power of Jesus. In case you are concerned, you won’t experience any legalistic judgmentalism here if you are not Christian.
We work directly with the body-mind-spirit to access unconscious emotional memory, sometimes as far back as in utero and infancy. We want to heal the beginning of life-long patterns to get you freed up to be who you really are, your Authentic Self.
When I arrived at your home, you were so welcoming, which was very comforting. The intention-setting and prayer you shared were confirmation that I was where I needed to be. The Breathwork session yielded more than I could have expected. Seeing my promiscuity and assault was painful, but I am now able to be more compassionate with myself. My father expressed his love for me with sincerity in his eyes. The love of God surrounded me and let me know all was well. That was an amazing experience. As part of my meditation today, I did the self-reparenting assignment you gave me. It was much more effective than it would have been if I’d done it before Breathwork, which shows the long-lasting impact of Breathwork. Thank you for your obedience to the Holy Spirit, your heart and the work you do. ~L.S.
Prerequisites for the in-person Highly Sensitive Person Retreats
Please read all the articles below about Breathwork. Also, please watch Dr. Stan Grof’s videos before applying for the HSP Breathwork Retreat. Allow four hours. There are 2.5 hours of videos.
What is it like to attend a Breathwork HSP Retreat with Benita Esposito?
These articles and client anecdotes illustrate breathwork and other practices used in HSP Retreats.
Please read at least six client anecdotes before you apply for this retreat.
- Healing Grief: Breathwork Opens the Heart and Mends Relationships
- Hero’s Journey to the Authentic Self ~ Overview
- How I Discovered I Am an Intuitive Empath
- Healing from an Abusive Marriage: Devon’s Story
- Spiritual Healing for the Inner Child: The Power of Inner Dialogue
- Empaths Feel the Weight of the World Crisis
- Healing for Lonely Abandoned Hearts
- How I Healed Chronic Pain Without Drugs
- My Journey Toward Wholeness, Remaining a Square in a Triangle World
- Healing Trauma with Breathwork: Abortion and Open Heart Surgery
- Attachment Styles and Highly Sensitive People. What predicts healthy romance?
- Healing Hurtful Relationship Patterns with Breathwork
- Turning Fear into a Friend: A Breathwork Story
I have attended several in-person breathwork retreats with Benita, done breathwork by myself at home, and attended an online retreat where I did breathwork. All three experiences were different and all have their own merit. In my online breathwork experience, even though I was alone at home during the retreat, I still felt connected and safe within the group. I was able to still experience deep shifts within me. -Cassey, Vancouver, Canada

Credit: Benita A Esposito
Venue for in-person Highly Sensitive Person Retreats:
Young Harris, Georgia, USA
Overlooking Lake Chatuge and the Blue Ridge Mountains
Two hours from Atlanta, Chattanooga and Asheville
Schedule for in-person HSP Retreats
Friday evening: 7-8:30pm Introductions
Saturday and Sunday:
Group session 9:30am – 11:30pm (Eastern)
Lunch Break 11:30 – 12:30pm
Group session 12:30 – 2:30pm
Break 2:30-3:30pm
Group session 3:30-5:30pm
Please arrive early for the beginning of each session.
*** Please be flexible with this schedule, especially the ending time, because we want to accommodate the needs of the group.
Suggestion: Take off work the day after the retreat so you can rest. These retreats can be demanding.
Before the Retreat, my lack of ability to tell my truth to other people caused me a lot of anxiety. I had a hard time making decisions and sticking to them. I wanted my Authentic Self to show up. During Breathwork, I released a lot of anger, and I reclaimed three different parts of myself that had been missing since I was a little girl. Now it is easier for me to communicate my true feelings and thoughts. I can make decisions and I stick to them without suffering about communicating my decisions. I just come right out and say what is on my mind. I regained my personal power. Thank you! ~R.T.
Tuition for the HSP Retreat: $735.00
There is a maximum of six people for the in-person retreats so please register early.
Contact me for payment instructions. Your application must be pre-approved.
Early Bird Discount: The $25 discount two months before the HSP Retreat.
Note: Registration closes one month before each retreat. Tuition includes dinner Saturday night.
Lodging&Restaurants Hws-YgHrs – list of lodging and restaurants.
There are two bedrooms available in my home with a kitchenette, bathroom, and garden patio. $79 per night. First come, first served.
My Breathwork experience was wonderful! As you instructed us to breathe deeper and faster, I kept breathing and breathing and nothing was happening except my stomach muscles were getting sore from breathing so hard. I began to think, “Why would anyone want to do this?” Then in an instant, I was in a spiritual state and suddenly things about my life that had been very confusing became crystal clear. I was able to ask questions and receive answers. It was such a profound experience that a river of tears began to flow. That’s unusual for me, being a man. I was unaware that I had been holding anger towards myself for past mistakes. Before, I was able to forgive everyone except myself. Now I can do that. Forgiveness is strong medicine. I would gladly do Breathwork again. Our lives are only reflections of what we are inside. Through Breathwork we can discover the things we are holding onto inside that need changing. ~T.M.
How to apply for this Highly Sensitive Person Retreat
If you are a new client: You must attend a minimum of five private sessions with Benita Esposito to be completed at least one month before the retreat. We need to get to know each other and build a trusting relationship. We want to make an informed decision as to whether this retreat is the best place for you. This is an intensive retreat, therefore, additional sessions could be required. Schedule your private sessions as soon as possible. My schedule is often very full. The private session fee is in addition to the retreat tuition. You will receive expert spiritual counseling in these preliminary sessions.
Your next step: Please complete the questionnaire on the Contact Page so we can begin to get to know each other.
If you are a current client: Please email me with your request to participate in this retreat.
Click here to read the complete list of testimonials for HSPs.
About Your Facilitator:
Benita A. Esposito
Click here to read Benita Esposito’s credentials and story.

Benita Esposito, MA
Refund Policy
All refund requests must be made via email. Complete the contact form.
• 30 or more days before the event, there will be a full refund minus a $50 processing fee.
• No refunds 0 – 29 days before the event, but you may apply your fee to private sessions or another event within one year, minus a $50 fee.
Facilitator’s Cancellation Policy
If an event must be canceled due to unforeseen events (such as the weather or illness of the facilitator) the event will be rescheduled. Every attempt will be made to schedule a new date that will suit your needs. If that is not possible, you may apply your tuition to another event of your choice within one year or apply your fee to private sessions.
The Breathwork retreat helped me tremendously as well as the work with you individually. I now recognize when my body is sending me signals, and I pay attention to it. I am learning to put my hands on the pain and be patient with it. I have come to recognize how hard I am on myself, and that it is difficult for me to be still. However, I know that recognizing this is the first step to getting better. ~J.J.
Photo credits:
Nature scenes: Benita Esposito
Photos of Benita Esposito: Alysia Hargus Photography
Your Authentic Life. Anything Else is a Compromise.